Wednesday, February 14, 2007

* Space Station Liberty Interviews Michael on Thursday Feb. 15th

Robotech Podcast Host extradionaire, Chris Meadows, will be interviewing Michael Bradley Feb. 15th, LIVE at 7:00pm (Pacific Time).

From Space Station Liberty (a "Talkshoe" podcast website that allows the audience to listen live, call in to participate in the discussion, and even download entire interviews):

Description: Tonight I will be interviewing Michael Bradley, the one-time lead singer of Paul Revere and the Raiders who wrote the music for Robotech: New Generation and Robotech: The Movie. Michael has a new album coming out with new covers of the old Robotech music, and we'll be talking to him about that, and about other matters of musical interest.


*Update- Chris Meadows did a fantastic 3 hour interview that was fun and informative. You can download the podcast interview (broken up in four parts) from his site at Space Station Liberty HERE. Scroll down to Episode 21 dataed 2/16/07.